Whether you’re launching a new product, engaging or recruiting employees or teaching your customers about your product or service, the corporate or company video is one of the most important tools a business can have. A video can increase message effectiveness by 10-25%. A video can launch from your website, or from Youtube or from a Facebook video ad. We sit down with your team to determine your needs and come up with a concept that will best tell your story. One approach to corporate video we’ve used extensively is the testimonial or interview-based story. Our production philosophy is based on the assumption that every interviewee should be treated as if they are the most important person in the world.

This approach may take a bit longer, but we will end up with a script co-created by individuals who know the subject much better than we ever will. After careful and extensive editing these interviews are woven into a cohesive story. The final product will have greater impact because they will be pieces of genuine conversation versus a scripted narrative. The result is something far more powerful than a piece that is primarily narrated and “bullet-pointed”. It feels real because it is real! In the editing phase, the editor carefully builds a mosaic of words and personalities that drive the message. During this process we will look for the “jewels”em> in the interview material. This means gleaning the best “moments” from the footage and distilling it into a powerful message, often using multiple testimonials from different people to build your message.